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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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DTSA Athletic Programs

Our sports performance program develops all athletes ages 6-18 and is designed as a progressive training program that utilizes a combination of both traditional and long term athlete development (LTAD) pathways. Our program helps younger youth develop a long term approach towards athletics minimizing the potential for athletic burnout and guides them toward an elite level while helping older youth and advanced athletes continue on their path toward the collegiate and elite levels with individualized performance training.

Our younger age groups focus on 3 stages that emphasize Fundamentals and training to train. Athletes learning basic, fundamental movement skills and all-around physical development, developing the fundamentals of strength, movement and overall athletic ability. While our older age groups focus on the higher stages 4, 5, and 6 where specialization in one particular sport begins, with added emphasis on the mental and emotional development of the athlete and the training to compete and training to win skills needed to excel towards an elite level.

Age groups are open to athletes of all abilities. These programs are group training sessions but our coaches are able to tailor the class to specific athletic ability so that every athlete is constantly improving.

It is common for many athletes to be excited and yet nervous to start training for performance. We are not drill sergeants, we are here to help people grow and develop as athletes. Our programs are designed to improve speed, agility, strength, conditioning, mental strength and confidence!


(6-18 years old)

A tailored training program geared towards developing athletes from a young age into elite performers at every level.


(college athletes)

An elite training program to help athletes succeed at the collegiate level and prepare to take the next step towards becoming a professional athlete.


(full teams)

A training program for the entire team designed towards developing team chemistry while training at an elite level.