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1-677-124-44227 184 Main Collins Street, West Victoria 8007 Mon - Sat 8.00 - 18.00, Sunday CLOSED
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Premier Sports Performance

Premier Sports Performance

Ages 15-18

Our Premier Teen program is designed to continue the physical and mental development process for athletes as they transition toward the more competitive high school and collegiate level sports.

Our coaches continue the physical development process for athletes and build upon the basic fundamentals of sports training to give the athlete the skills needed to complete at a collegiate and elite level. Our goal is to make the athlete feel stronger, faster, and more powerful than the competition. We focus on strength, agility, movement efficiency, straight-line speed, lateral quickness, body awareness, and mental strength. A true taste of what it means to train like an athlete.

Introduction and transitioning to Elite sports performance training

Develop proficiency in the foundational exercises and movements

Learn proper exercises, techniques, and strength training

Strength and power development, Speed, Agility, and Quickness

Evaluation and testing reports

The Premier Teen Sports Training class is open to athletes of all abilities and is currently offered three times per week. These programs are group training sessions, but our coaches are able to tailor the class to specific athletic ability so that every athlete is constantly improving.